Award-winning film “Los Lecheros” explores ramifications of Trump immigration policies on Wisconsin Dairy

Who milks America's cows?

Nationwide, 51% of dairy workers are immigrants. Congrats to Jim Cricchi and Susan Peters for the much-warranted success of their recent short film “Los Lecheros.” You can now watch the twenty-one minute film online, thanks to the Atlantic, as part of “The Atlantic Selects.”   The film is currently (August 2018) screening as part of […]

Superb Production of Antigone Presented by the Poseidon Theatre Company

Two brothers kill each other. Authorities — afraid of losing power, influenced by familial disagreements — determine that one brother is worth mourning and the other is not. Everyone tries to do the right thing and society is ripped apart, a family destroyed. The recent Poseidon Theatre Company presentation of Antigone (my pal Aaron Salazar […]

An Interesting Blog from Poet and Artist Mary Wehner

My dear and talented friend Mary Wehner continues to create beautiful art in so many ways. I came across her blog the other night, simple and intelligent. This post consists solely of two lovely photos of altered churches: And in this blog post from last year at this time Mary collected a few poems […]

Apples, Academia, and Lessons for Big Business: Part 1

Deutsche Pomologie

In 1892 you could purchase over 700 apple cultivars from commercial nurseries in the United States. By the nineteen-sixties you could most likely find only three varieties in your grocery store: McIntosh, Red Delicious, and Golden Delicious. Many popular and prize-winning pome varieties are now lost forever, including hundreds of well-documented varieties. While I tend […]