Showing Up is gentle comedy/drama co-written and directed by Kelly Reichardt. The film, her fourth collaboration with Michelle Williams, follows an artist for a few days as she prepares and finishes work for a small exhibition of her sculptures.
Superb Production of Antigone Presented by the Poseidon Theatre Company

Two brothers kill each other. Authorities — afraid of losing power, influenced by familial disagreements — determine that one brother is worth mourning and the other is not. Everyone tries to do the right thing and society is ripped apart, a family destroyed. The recent Poseidon Theatre Company presentation of Antigone (my pal Aaron Salazar […]
An Interesting Blog from Poet and Artist Mary Wehner

My dear and talented friend Mary Wehner continues to create beautiful art in so many ways. I came across her blog the other night, simple and intelligent. This post consists solely of two lovely photos of altered churches: And in this blog post from last year at this time Mary collected a few poems […]
Ann Peters Reads from House Hold

This book is stunningly beautiful! And it’s by my best friend Ann: Book Launch at Powerhouse Arena MONDAY, MARCH 03, 2014 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm THE POWERHOUSE ARENA 37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201 (Dumbo) Ann Peters reads from House Hold, followed by conversation with poet and memoirist Honor Moore. For more information, please […]
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Doctor Who

The Orbitals play the Doctor Who theme song with special guest Matt Smith. Kind of hard to describe. Phenomenon:
This Charming Charlie

Bravo to Lauren LoPrete, creator of this mashup tumblr combining the images and art of Charles Schulz’ Peanuts series with the lyrics of Morrissey, Johnny Marr, and The Smiths. I find This Charming Charlie incredibly powerful, perhaps because they combine the art with which I most strongly identified in the first and second decades (roughly) […]
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My Pal Buku

The Visit by Buku Sarkar My tennis buddy Buku has recently published a lovely long short story The Visit in the literary magazine n+1 . Her stories are even more beautiful than her tennis game. n+1 is a print magazine of politics, literature, and culture published three times yearly. Issues are available by subscription. The website is updated with […]
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Great Lucien Freud Snaps

Fantastic images of one of my favorite painters currently featured in Le Monde, Le Magazine.